Monthly Archives: August 2017

Battle Hymn to the Fearsome Pussy: Or My Sarcastic Response to this Meme.


Vaginas-and-menSo this popped up on my Facebook timeline today.

I’ve been trying to learn how to pick my battles lately. Especially when it comes to things I find ignorant posted by friends and family. It gets tiring and stressful always arguing with those I care about, and it’s probably not so good for our relationships. So I’ll get out my angst out here.

There is a lot of thoughtful criticism that can be made about this meme and those like it. I could go on about how this meme promotes a toxic idea of masculinity. Or that only sexist assholes associate men with women and femininity as a way to insult them. Or that dictating what a person can or cannot wear based on outdated gender norms is sexist and oppressive, even when it comes to men. But this is not one of those responses. I was inspired to sarcastically write a poem instead.  It’s not all that good, but here I go:

Battle Hymn to the Fearsome Pussy

To have one is an immense responsibility

as her demands are often burdensome and perilous

But to have one is to experience a level a pleasure unknown to those without one

She beckons, she nurtures, she is hospitable

She stretches, she tears, she bloodlets,

but she keeps on keeping on

(Many of) her owners bleed once a month

but they do not succumb to death

She is the opening to the space where new life is formed

And to give birth is to travel to the boundaries between life and death

stare the awesome abyss in the eye

and declare in a thunderous roar

“I see that you are trying to kill me

But I say to you


NOT…. TO… DAY!!!”

Or in other words

She is not for the faint of heart

Not all men have earned the noble honor of association with her

Well… maybe this will change… in another thousand years.


(I could also point out this meme’s grammatical error.  But I dislike grammar Nazism.  Any who, my spelling and grammar are usually horrendous, so I don’t have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to that.)