

Today is one of those few, but not extremely rare snow days here in Albuquerque. I’m sure this morning as many Burqueños prepared their morning coffee they happened to glance out the window and exclaimed to whoever was in the house, “OMG! OMG! Hey, do you see this?! There’s white stuff on the ground outside! It’s SSSSNNNNOOOOWWWW!!!” Okay, I’m exaggerating a little, but that’s very close to how people in ‘Burque react to snow. I should know, because I did something very similar to that this morning. Every time it snows we act like it’s something we’ve never seen before, even though it happens a number times nearly every year.

So naturally, I had to take out my daughter out to play in the snow today, because there is no guarantee it will be there tomorrow. Actually it’s almost certain that it’ll be mostly melted and evaporated away by tomorrow. So we took a walk along the arroyo near our house. I think people outside of New Mexico call this a “wash.”  *squeak* Snow!

DSC01465As my daughter and I were leaving the house I saw more ravens hanging around than usual.  When we got the arroyo we saw these bird foot prints everywhere and I assumed they belonged to the ravens.







Eventually we found the birds leaving prints. Not ravens.

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